Monday, September 29, 2008

2nd assignment: Views on Abortion

1. What is your stance on abortion? Give three reasons why (this is your own thoughts). Explain clearly and use a lot of detail. - 5 points

My stance on abortion is pro-choice because I think that if a women isn't ready to have a baby and if the baby is born she wouldn't be able to take care of it. Also, if it was a teen pregnancy, the women wouldn't be able to continue her education and would have to stay home at take care of the baby. Another reason why abortion should be available is that giving birth could be dangerous to some women.

2. Copy/paste evidence that supports that supports your views. Make sure you use quotation marks (" ") because these are NOT your words. - 3 points

"All of women's aspirations--whether for education, work, or any form of self-determination--ultimately rest on their ability to decide whether and when to bear children."

3. Explain the quote you chose for number 2 in your own words. You can explain it in the following ways: relate it to something that happened in your life or someone else's, explain why you agree with the statement, explain it to the reader with more detail in case the reader might not understand the quote, or give the reader a hypothetical situation in which the quote plays out. (Whichever why you decide to explain your quote, you should have at least 3 sentences to be thorough) - 6 points

I think the above quote is right because, the women should decide when to have a child or not because she needs to think about her education and career. The quote meant that how her education and work plays off depends on whether she decides to have the baby or not. So that means if she chooses to have the baby, she would throw away her education and career cause she takes care of the baby all day.

4. Repeat step 2 with a new quote

"Before abortion was permitted in countries like the UK and USA, women still had abortions, but because abortion was a crime, they were carried out in secrecy, and very often by people with no, or inadequate, medical training. And even when carried out by doctors, they were rarely done with hospital back-up."

5. Repeat step 3 to explain the new quote

The above quote means that when abortion was not allowed, women performed abortion sceretly. Though abortions were done secretly they were normally not safe, and did not have hospital to back them up. Because they were unsafe, women were sometimes injured permanently, or some may have died.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Assignment: Powerful Pictures

2. Answer in a complete sentence: What is this picture about? (2 sentences - 2pnts)

The picture is about the traffic problem in Beijing. The traffic in Beijing has gotten more problematic as more people start to buy vehicles.

3. What message does this picture present to you? Why?(2 complete sentences - 2 pnts)

The message that this picture present to me is that the world is creating problems for themselves. People use too much vehicles and it becomes a problem if everyone uses it because the streets would be loaded.

4. Can you relate your life to this picture? Why or why not? (4 sentences - 4pnts)

This picture relates to my life because my life usually gets messed up in a way when I try to do to much at once. Sometimes, when I do stuff like play games, I usually spend hours trying to level up and then at the end I usually spend so much time and don't get anything else done. Another way this picture relates to my life is that it takes a long, and hard time to get to my destination.